Smyrna Police Welcome New Officers and Honor Staff Feb 13, 2021 at 07:04 am by WGNS
(L-R) Officer Ciera Fleming, Chief Kevin Arnold, Officer Tyler Emmetts
(SMYRNA TN) Smyrna Police Department hosted a ceremony pinning two new officers. The pinning ceremony is the culmination of an intense officer training period, including 12 weeks of in-residence training at The Tennessee Law Enforcement Academy and 16 weeks of internal training with SPD. Officer Tyler Emmetts and Officer Ciera Fleming were pinned with SPD collar brass by Captain Jeff Dwyer and Chief Kevin Arnold.
“These officers have completed an intense period of training and have demonstrated the skill, commitment, and dedication required to serve our citizens,” explained SPD Chief Kevin Arnold. “We celebrate this rite of passage with the formal pinning of SPD collar brass.”