Middletown 2023 Election Voter Guide: Meet The Candidates - Middletown, CT - Here's everything you need to know concerning the Middletown local elections, including the candidates, polling places, and voting hours.
Wesleyan University Receives Approval For New Arts Facility - Middletown, CT - Middletown Planning and Zoning Commission approved Wesleyan University's proposal for a new 19,155-square-foot arts facility.
Middletown Republican's Endorse Councilman For Mayor - Middletown, CT - Middletown Republican Town Committee met on Wednesday, July 19, to endorse candidates for several positions in the city.
Trucking Terminal Proposal Denied By Middletown's P&Z Commission - Middletown, CT - Middletown Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously denied the trucking terminal project during their most recent meeting.
Hookah Lounge Special Exception Revoked By Middletown P&Z Commision - Middletown, CT - After the unanimous vote to revoke the special exception, hookah lounges will no longer be permitted or be legal use at the property