The violent gang known as 02da04 “used to be known as 02da04—because 02da04 is no more,” said Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, late this week following the conviction and sentencing
Anthony Lacey-Woodson and Jalen Mickens, who have been charged with murder in the deaths of Sircarr Johnson and Salahaldin Mahmoud, who were killed at a Fourth of July cookout in West Philly in 2021. They are among five purported "02da4" gang members charged for their alleged roles in a series of retaliatory shootings against rival gangs and gun trafficking offenses, District Attorney Larry Krasner said Monday. Arrest warrants have been issued for three others.
According to officials, multiple people affiliated with “02da4” and “FSB" face an array of charges varying from murder, criminal conspiracy, and aggravated assault to unsworn falsification to authorities and tampering with public records.