th cald thlakeod j j poneho li . of al re he cosne giv thn aalnth okepptu ty po li and e o ion oe dppintheiva o stk. wasd skedoo dn din se st as heeddefed andaid at the heefednd d offi ars.he an t the me and g etfi. an t t a g ow mher -e rs mr sthe officersrs ppr s e spyed the-yr-d o tfceersp s. d w scrhemingnd ylingd tce w mu it rnednd wcr ng yuldnng b athe. mut ed hisothemandarrid at dn b at .scho mines l at ishe nd ri at don undstanhow y ou ho in ca luse such foe ith a n onndanw y 8-yeca-olde uc fo th didt trhto t ak hi th j t predye hld. thidtr t hi cane ju o th himpr?ed h. at w ananju oio h whrisknjur to th cld wn io d thoffics. wh sk nj rthiso s n ourldor e ry thf y is n turemper tan tum ery tpetanum tarum. thats a tuatn th haso diffutam.d a ata datfuthdas if ad icy. jud jeane: den ins me a ng w h mi mot r and
t havegh p iicbutiton dec ided ns not t bu mo deduals say d on tnoep t mo uaeppe sr d ep spra ids. whdid u ma thaper draisn? s. we ren whsured hatma thaoisn? do. e n rewe wter te so shoedo.nd wsoho ed erwhmed at they wod th to whd n two 8eaold. judth jeaone: youhink thatou a goi 8 to ea thiol ag n, udea: ounk aatan a?oio hi ag o. jud jeane: d yoknow whatouldappe to y i f y ge thaudtea: ayoryow aatldurpet y y sogebodyha cou go jaibut ur ver h appe nesody y ouo ait r hpe jge jnineyet? es. j ge j ninewhato yo j j ne t? wa to wheyou ow u >. mar e. j jne atyo jwage jo nineheto bu a u rine ou he toolloarthe straht a nar w, y j jneno bw ne h to loat, u canhe be p ulli ngra aar y noingsw o ff, cane pli he wal o ff thas wh i mryinhetoal hand it, hawh i haneryinto ndt, he anger. jud jeane: y dyou thinyou t so anger?. iudust eao f: om d ruean. in u so don ?kno i t st m fbodyinom o rf n o fce s mdy oe fcee