space crossing the alpine divide as an elevation of up to two thousand six hundred meters is fascinating almost surreal to not see all. after exactly two weeks they land at the lagoon of all the talent and nature reserve in south in tuscany. and as if they are here just happy to have arrived at their winter quarters and succeeded in showing the ibis is the way south. but the joy is tempered with sorrow because soon the foster mothers must bid farewell to that challenges not that show both without it is a bit sad but then that s the aim that they re free and independent and that doesn t work they re relying on us for those out picnics and. to foster mothers will stay with them feathered friends until november bought by next year at the latest the birds should be able to fly so. normally the colors
legal. you can call and i asked i have spent coffee in a training of plants to fly with them the project is supported by the world wide fund for nature for the folks doesn t always follow the plan it takes practice. yeah funny i m a fan of plans but when we start off in small steps we take really short flights and slowly increase them then when we ve been in the air for a while we circle around and keep calling them and entice them to faraway meadows and eventually when they notice that we re taking them on outings that we re flying to new meadows with them that spurs their interest then they get it and follow us everywhere that s why i m a tin foil. now they have an almost one thousand kilometer journey ahead of them the e.u. finances the reason for hope the project for your highness fits the plane journey is something special. this is being just moving with the birds in three dimensional space crossing the alpine divide that s an elevation of up to two
dimensional space crossing the alpine divide as an elevation of up to two thousand six hundred meters is fascinating almost surreal to not see all. after exactly two weeks a line to the new goon of all the tallow and nature reserve in south in tuscany. and as i have they are here just happy to have arrived at their winter quarters and succeeded in showing the ibises the way south. but the joy is tempered with sorrow because soon the foster mothers must bid farewell to their charges nothing short without it is a bit sad but then that s the aim that they re free and independent and that doesn t work if they re relying on us for those i think if them. to foster mothers will stay with their feathered friends until november by next year at the latest the birds should be able to fly so i. want to know more about european
something special and. this is pretty just moving with the birds in three dimensions of space crossing the alpine divide that s an elevation of up to two thousand six hundred meters and is fascinating almost surreal to not see all. after exactly two weeks they lined up the guna valby tallow and nature reserve in something tuscany. they are here just happy to have arrived at their winter quarters and succeeded in showing the ibises the way south. but the joy is tempered with sorrow because soon the foster mothers must bid farewell to their charges nothing to without it is a bit sad but then that s the aim that they re free and independent and that doesn t work if they re relying on us and the amount of funds are paying them. to
products it might have to submit animal test results. that company will therefore rely solely on animal testing despite the availability of alternative solutions but martha life s refuses to let up put him off since two thousand six hundred in the inaugural chair of in vitro toxicology and medicine in constance the first of its kind in germany and he seemed positive developments in that time. ten years ago the method wasn t generally available. to a few university labs. but now alternative methods can be bought for those tests. or not as companies see others using them they ll be more likely to do so themselves. over the past few decades almost eighty percent of animal testing has been replaced in industrial research team in constants. the proud of their own