they , too, are at an all time high . so now with the midterms aroundo the corner, democrats want you to forge allt all about this. instead, they want youn to foc. on only three main distractions . here s their game plan foring tv the next fifty seven days. idthey are attempting to divide the country on the basis of race and gende r and age, et cetera. it s their usual playbook,ge their election, your playbook or election year, depending on how you want to characterize it. republicans are racist, sexist, cisthomophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. they want dirty air, water. you know, the routine. second, democrats want to gin up hysteria around abortion and yet another lie. they will attempt to scare voters by claiming that voters y abortion is illegal. that simply is not true. after the dobbs ruling,ot abortion is still very much legal and the vast majority of i states and i have it on gooditi authoritiny that republicans in the senate will bring up a national abortio bring
he asks everybody, does this say look good? does this make my ? i never seem like that s notke l true. it is embarrassing.ook bi g?you should i should i go? i got to go now. after i drive and run, go have a good show. all right. i m laura ingram . this is ingram wrangell from washington tonight. lra: we called out called ot gal, hillary clinton last week on the show and she apparently took time out of her busytime oo fschedule to respond to more on twitter. i m going to have a response ofo my own in moments.f but first, the big green fizzle. that s the focus ofbut gre angle.t s anglene hour. it turns out that today s democratic party, it s just radicalized. it s also wildly stupidh as and impractical. they downplay, even deny the impact of climate change im as communities are literally on fire. we made the largest investment to combat the climate crisis in history and deliver on environmental justice for people everywhere. okay, her pantsuit is figuratively on fire. s