the government t spends every year is codified as mandatory, n meaning there s no review no process, no checks and balancecs ,just a blank check and no the e balancing the checkbook. we live in a society wherend obc laziness and obesity can qualify you for a disabilityfora check from the government paid for by us working americans . u sin fact, nearly two thirds of the money spent by our government last year went to social welfare programs, according to democrats , likeof f congresswoman sheila mccormick of florida, to even mention challenging these programs is to be heartless and void of empathy.void of empathy empathy. when someone chooses but when someone chooses getting high over being a father to his children, what pity is he owed ? when a woman uses a chronic sprained ankle to stay on social security disability, d she an invalid or using discomfort to scam the system? m or when the son of a vice president spends his time and money on and blow, is he an addict in need? o
a man who leads by 30 points in polls. donald trump and the jury did this at the urging of a man called alvin bragg. he s the manhattan district attorney who has been famous so far by making the city much more dangerous by refusing to enforce laws against crimes like robbery and . now, we don t know at this hour what the indictment says. we don t know specifically what the charges are. but previous news reports suggest they will emanate from an alleged payment. seven years ago, a payment that federal regulators said violated no law, but that alvin bragg apparently believes is a crime, either way, the net result is donald trump is the first former president of the united states ever to be indicted. so what happens next? we can be certain there is no coming back from this moment. there could be retaliation from red states. the governor of florida has already said ron desantis already issued a statement saying that he will not participate in any extradition of donald trump to
of where the republican candidates running for president stand in ukrainening a little bit shocking.t republ it s all we expected, and it sin cas at all what republican on capitol hill are saying.disc more evidence that there son a disconnectnect between republicans in washington and everyone else. we ll get that in just everyon a minute. but first tonight, it hass sinc been 15 years since the global 2018financial crisis of 2008, a. a long time, but it hasn t gonee away. it s consequences st is , in fa. still define our world. sy is the u.s. government so deeply in debt?how di how did wall street get so muchm money? what did they do exactlyuc? why are housing prices so high? hi why do our leaders stoke racial conflict? why have so many mano americans concluded that their system is rigged? in every caserigged. the anss to those questions is the same . it all bega n inin two thousand eight now 2008. u and its aftermath is a complex story, but it s justncia some up in
they say? what s their response? they they say that there s no national security concern. they ve told us that they have properly vetted the fufu corporation and they see no problem with it, which just simply isn t true. well, just two months ago, we again sounded the alarm after the committee on foreign investment said it didn t have jurisdiction to block this mill s construction. let me put this very bluntly. the committee that congress mandated and gave the authority to protect america s national security is allowing a chinese business with ties to beijing. that means the ccp to operate mere miles from an american military installation. was general austin. how about meely? well, tonight, after months of pressure, the ap is reporting just hours ago that the u.s. air force has now told north dakota leaders that full fang s plans do pose a significant threat to national security, prompting city officials to say they ll move to stop the project once and for all. we re
the man has trouble with names,f but not the name ts of people. he may be met once or twice,le. right? that would be understandable. weg about the names of prominent political figures, including his own cabinet. i want to thank the former cl general. i keep calling him general. my , my the guy who runs that outfit over there. i remember i got in trouble when we were running against whw the senator who is a mormon governor . okayas, i took him on .d i tookm i want to thank that fellow down under. ank you thank you very much about our national security adviser, joe biden contact with his counterparts throughout the world and our alliesr as ass the general excuse me, i keee p calling them in general. it s so inspiring, isn t it? and today, as the supply of baby formula reached new lows, the president reached for more names. w how are youlows, going to over? reacd moreto secretary? mr . secretary, i m going to have you speak now and yourarksa remarks, and then we re goinnd