Moving online has had us be able to work with playwrights, actors and other collaborators from way outside of New Mexico, Madrid says. And for him, inviting Red Rocks Community College was a no-brainer; Madrid used to work as a theater instructor at the Lakewood school. I ve always wanted to do something with them. It was the perfect opportunity.
The community college s team includes students Stephanie Anderson, Rachel Hogan, Liam Leiren and Ammon Underhill and instructors El Armstrong, Kelly Jo Eldredge and Colette Mazunik.
Logo by Blackout Theatre Company I m always grateful for an opportunity to get my name out there, and I m just excited to work with the group of people they were proposing, Underhill says. It s really great to see what the theater community looks like spread across the different states people are participating from. When we think of COVID, we think of all the lost opportunities, but I know that this is probably an opportunity I wouldn t have had if it w