Американские пользователи социальных сетей активно комментируют новость СМИ, что на встречу с бывшим американским лидером Дональдом Трампом президент России Владимир Путин взял красивую переводчицу. Одни считают, что это был стратегический ход, вторые уверены, что усилия были напрасны. Только на URA.RU
Tesla FSD 10 has shown a major flaw for a user, and Elon Musk said Beta 10.1 would be better. Tesla's FSD Beta 10 version has been shown that it does not work that well with cone obstacles on the road, as a user has evaluated its performance and shown the flaws of the service.
03 August 2021, 08:08 pm
SpaceX Super Heavy has now moved to its Orbital Launch Mount and it is also known as the Chop Stick. The CEO and founder of the company referred to it like this because of the way it catches the spacecraft, as it also returns it to its booster mount in preparation for its next flight.
The video on how the Super Heavy would get caught was then demonstrated by a SpaceX fan in a render.
Earlier today, Musk has confirmed that SpaceX would soon have its Orbital Test Flight and shares multiple first-look images of the towering rocket which would be used.