white reporters horribly before, too. what s the big deal? hold on, why why use the b-word, angela? because joe is a bigot. and i ll give you an example of why. since you brought up twitter yesterday, here s joe s tweet. and you re way wrong on your main point, angela. we lowered the bar for obama. he was held to a lower standard because he was black. that is joe walsh s tweet. you all decided to give joe walsh a platform today. i m not giving him the time of day. i m interested in having conversations, brooke, that will move racial people of all races forward in this country. i m interested in having a conversation that will help us to admit the wrongs that were done in this country and how we move forward. i am not interested in trying to convince and change the mind of a bigot. someone who will openly troll me and say things that are offensive, that he knows are not true. okay, okay. here we are let me just ask you, can you explain to me what you meant by
he got elected you did one term zp. no, he wasn t. you did one term. he served longer than you. so what kind angela but it s about you attacking black people for having lower standards. really? come on, man. can you, hey angela, angela, can i not attack barack obama and not be a racist? is that possible? is that possible? did you not say it was because he was black in the tweet? i didn t bring up race, joe, this is all you. okay. you went on twitter yesterday and accused me of saying and you later had to apologize for oh, my gosh. angela, is it possible to attack barack obama and not be a racist. okay, we re all talking each other. no one can understand what anyone is saying. no one can understand. i think we heard from both of you. i m just sorry, i had no idea it would go this way. b but i do appreciate hearing two very different voices on something very, very important. thanks, brooke. let s just please be
their jobs. april ryan, a respected journalist with unrivaled integrity, was doing her job, just this afternoon in the white house press room, when she was patronized and cut off, trying to ask a question. one of your own california congresswomen, maxine waters, was taunted with a racist joke about her hair. we ve got a lot to get to. angela ry is with me, former director of the congressional black caucus. joe walsh is here, former congressman and conservative radio host. it is wonderful to have you two on. and we booked you to talk about your, you know, twitter battle, which i promise, we ll get to. but news has been made since. so, joe, let me begin with you. you heard hillary clinton s response. do you agree? do you think the original comments were either racist or
conversation that y all that happened over twitter. i m just trying to understand. i want to understand where angela was coming from, from her initial comment. i want to understand why you had such a problem with what angela said, and you took to twitter and you let everyone know about it. i want to understand what your issue is. with that. and brooke and brooke, thanks, my disagreement had nothing to do with trump, when angela was making her case, she said that barack obama somehow had to live up to this perfect jesus christ standard that no other president had to live up to. my disagreement, brook, we, was about that. because i find that laughable. and it s got nothing, again, to do with race. never in our country s history have we had a president so like colded and pampered and protected by the media like barack obama. you talk that s not a high standard, brooke. he was held to a very low standard, because ridiculous because the media so loved
asinine to even think that this man is now in the white house. here we are in the middle of an investigation, but hillary clinton s e-mails. so, yeah, i mean, it s very fruf frustrating and i m tired of people telling me that black people are beneath a standard when we have to be twice as good all the time. and that is why i said, i m not interested in having a dialogue with someone like joe who has demonstrated a propensity towards bigotry. and he did that on twitter yesterday in 140 characters or less. whoo! hey, brooke. joe? i apologize, brooke, that you invited a bigot on your show. look, my disagreement whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. wait, are you now calling angela a bigot? no, he s the bigot. he s apologizing for himself. no, no, no! no, i m sorry that angela feels like i m a bigot, and i apologize that you invited me, a bigot, on to your show. i know you wouldn t do that knowingly okay, i appreciate that. i don t need an apology. i brought you on because of this