arguments but nothing serious. but if she d done her own background check on him, she d have unhappily discovered that her double-o had a long string of bond girls. some of them ex, many of them not. one of them, like kim, had met robert at the same car lot a full year before kim moved to england. the two girlfriends, the current and the ex, strangers to one another, would be joined in a twisted warp of fate neither could imagine. he, i think, was waiting for me because he was hanging around, well, lurking around more like. caroline cooper, a lawyer for an insurance company, wasn t in the market for a car or for the glib salesman she passed every day walking to work but one day she stopped to banter with the car dealer and was pulled in by his sob story about a painful breakup. i thought, good grief, a man able to talk about emotion. so a second impression of who this guy was? like he was very easy to talk to. good humored guy.
but if she d done her own background check on him, she d have unhappily discovered that her double-o had a long string of bond girls. some of them ex, many of them not. one of them, like kim, had met robert at the same car lot a full year before kim moved to england. the two girlfriends, the current and the ex, strangers to one another, would be joined in a twisted warp of fate neither could imagine. he, i think, was waiting for me because he was hanging around, well, lurking around more like. caroline cooper, a lawyer for an insurance company, wasn t in the market for a car or for the glib salesman she passed every day walking to work but one day she stopped to banter with the car dealer and was pulled in by his sob story about a painful breakup. i thought, good grief, a man able to talk about emotion. so a second impression of who this guy was? like he was very easy to talk to. good humored guy. yeah, he was actually.