USD/JPY bleibt unterhalb von 110,50 gedeckelt. Die Ökonomen von Westpac sehen jedoch immer noch einen Vorstoß in Richtung 111,70/ 112,20, doch müssen weitere positive Nachrichten, z.B. die Genehmigung
USD/CHF hat am Montag die Marke von 0,9200 zurückerobert und ist auf dem besten Weg, das Juni-Hoch von 0,9274 zu erreichen, berichtet Karen Jones, Team Head FICC Technical Analysis Research bei der Commerzbank.
Ausweitung der Programmmitgliedschaft auf den asiatisch-pazifischen Raum nach den USA, Kanada und Nahost/Nordafrika i2c, ein führender Anbieter von digitalen Zahlungs- und Banking-Technologien,
and i do think that women can handle criticism equally to men, specific women who are around the are the who have specific jobs that they re not doing and then i spoke about the men in the white house and the spec jobs that they re not doing, so i actually spoke about the men and the women in the white house and how they are failing the country. especially on moral ground in terms of bullying. let me ask you something in terms of sarah huckaby sanders, people seem no love to take your words and wretch them from their proper context saying that you have i worry about that. have you ever talked about the way she dresses or any of this other stuff? no. they always say you did. that you really were wird for herly mentioned once she s a mother of three. i mentioned that out of great respect. that is sort of like makes it even more important. to tell the truth. and to serve this country in a truthful way.
the white house is refusing to confirm or deny whether the president is recording phone calls at the white house. mr. trump made a thinly veiled threat against james comey last week, tweeting the twird fbi director better hope there are no tapes of their conversations before he decides on start leaking. spokesman sean spicer offering no clarity on this controversy. i think i made it clear last week that the president has nothing further on that. i made it clear what the president s position is on that issue. why won t you just explain whether or not there are recordings of president i think the president s made it clear what his position is. attorney general jeff sessions met with president trump about the search for a new fbi director on monday. it is not known whether sessions offered a final recommendation or just an update. well, out on the table, when