Recently, Abhishek Nigam reprised the lead role of Alibaba on the show. Now there is some upsetting news for the fans of the show as actor Mohit Abrol has lost his brother Sohit. |
Abhishek Nigam has taken over the reins as the new Alibaba of the show after he replaced Sheezan Khan. And the name of the show was also changed to Ali Baba- Ek Andaaz Andekha. |
Ali Baba - Dastan-E-Kabul has garnered a lot of eyes but does the show meet the expectations of the public, and will the new twist keep you interested? |
Ali Baba- Dastan-E-Kabul has garnered a lot of eyes but does the show meet the expectations of the public, and the new twist will keep you interested? |