from him. he might be rich, but as far as his car marks his account is berust. he has gone into deficit here. the simple fact is this is the equation i was talking about earlier with nobody is accountable anymore. al gore jammed global warming down everybody s throat. he tried to take a mail stop at climate change because that wasn t working anymore. he then got current tv up and running and made a mint ooff of it when he sold it to al jazeera. al jazeera is owned by big oil in the name of qatar. and i don t even know what their citizenry is called the car qatarzan. if you lay that out, anybody should shun al gore. everybody should walk away from him and say he is a phony. but they don t. that will show you why people just aren t accountable. bill: he went on lauer and today shore and a few others. really? you think al gore has done the
intellectually than shaming down. if you are in the powerless category and you point out to those above, you are failing and you should be ashamed of yourself, that s very different than the shaming that goes down, you person who doesn t meet my standard for sexuality or for the choices you re making. i feel like libertarians are worried about shaming down. the ridiculous drug testing of welfare recipients which to my mind is not shame. that s punitive action right there. we see a lot more of this in law enforcement too. the use of shame, things like if you re arrested for prostitution charge or not even arrested but stopped for it, they ll put you on john tv up or up on will billboard. judges are sentencing people to stand by the road holding a sign saying i m an idiot. that s a use of shame and its power against less powerful. that is shameful. you brought up the stop and
women today think they are going to find a mate? but someone to marry? greg: what if the man was a dog? dana: you have wild interpretations. greg: did you watch this? do you buy the idea you can find someone this way? eric: last night i m trying to get netflix on my tv to get house of cards and i screwed the tv up. my wife said she is going to watch this three-hour finale no, matter what, she is watching it. my tv is broken. i have to sit in the other room and i swear, i m tortured for three hours of the bachelor and i got things like why don t we get an elephant for our weding ? i said do you realize they film this thing in three weeks? for this guy to say he is crying, in love with her after three weeks, that s it. no way. i don t think any bachelor ever married his bachelorette. andrea: wait a minute, that s not true.
women today think they are going to find a mate? but someone to marry? greg: what if the man was a dog? dana: you have wild interpretations. greg: did you watch this? do you buy the idea you can find someone this way? eric: last night i m trying to get netflix on my tv to get house of cards and i screwed the tv up. my wife said she is going to watch this three-hour finale no, matter what, she is watching it. my tv is broken. i have to sit in the other room and i swear, i m tortured for three hours of the bachelor and i got things like why don t we get an elephant for our weding ? i said do you realize they film this thing in three weeks? for this guy to say he is crying, in love with her after three weeks, that s it. no way. i don t think any bachelor ever married his bachelorette. andrea: wait a minute, that s not true.
gretchen: when you guys what is the key to being hot and handy at the same time? patience. tank top. you have to be hot and you also have to have the skills to back it up. gretchen: we ll pet you to the test this morning. you re going to put up a big screen television for us. do you always work together or is it always a one-guy job? no, we always work as a team. that is why everybody has a specialty and we re hand selected here. we ll put the tv up for you. gretchen: we re going to start the clock right now. want to see how you work together and if you re hot at the same time you re handy g. for it. let s do this. basically first we re going to start off by mounting the tv over super bowl is coming. so you got to get the tv up there. first thing you want to do, buy a tv stand in any hardware store. pick it up, check it out. this is center mounted, really easy. or what you want to do first is check for studs.