mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? please? mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? girlrls, pets arare a big exex. mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? aww.w. [ audiencece cheers ]] maybybe try swititching your cacar insurancnce to progrgre. [ audiencece cheers ]] you coululd save hunundreds. [ audidience laughghter ] [ audiencece cheers ]] ththanks, tv d dad. we ll thinink about itit,? ththanks, tv d dad. lookok what i fofound. -a pupuppy! -a-a puppy! lookok what i fofound. ohoh, no, no.. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. [ dodog barks, a audience lalau] i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. listenen to your t tv da. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. driverers who swititch ande with progrgressive i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. save n nearly $70000 on av. arare you tirered of wasashing dishehes? wewell flip ththe way yoyou clean emem wiwith dawn plplatinum ezez-squeeze.. itit s an upsiside-down botte with no cacap. you u just grabb and squeueeze. dadawn platinunum s mor
and didiarrhea mayay lead toto dehydratition, which may y worsen kikidney problblems. asask your heaealth care p pror about t the ozempipic® tri-z-. you may y pay as litittle as $. for smoothth hair thatat s and shshines like e water. new w tresemmé fluiuid smooth s spray. powered byby hydratingng cococonut dropoplets. withth plant-basased protein that p penetrates.s. in o one spray, , get instant shine and d smoothnessss. new tresememmé fluiuid smooth h haircare. in o one spray, , get instant shine and d smoothnessss.
plusus people tataking mounjno lolost up to 2 25 pounds.. moununjaro is nonot for peopoplh type 1 diaiabetes or c children. don t tatake mounjararo, if y e alallergic to o it, you u or your fafamily havee medullllary thyroioid cancer, or mulultiple endodocrine neopoa sysyndrome typype 2. stopop mounjaro,o, and call l r dodoctor rightht away, if f yoe an allllergic reacaction, a lulr swswelling in n your neck,k, see stomomach pain, , vision chaha, or diabetitic retinopapathy. serious siside effectsts may inclclude pancrereatitis and d gallbladdeder problems. taking mouounjaro withth sulfononylurea or r insulin ras low w blood sugagar risk. tellll your doctctor if you e nunursing, preregnant, or p plan to be.e. side e effects incnclude naus, vomimiting, and d diarrhea whwhich can cacause dehydrdratid may worsrsen kidney y problems.. (w(woman) i can do d diabetes didiffereny with m mounjaro. (avo) ask yourur doctor ababout ononce-weekly y mounjaro.. alexex! mateo, hey y how s busisine
tell your r doctor if f you vd hepatititis b or c,, have flulu-like sympmptoms, oror are pronene to infectcti. tell your r doctor if f you vd hepatititis b or c,, do notot take withth medics that prerevent bloodod clot. tell your r doctor if f you vd hepatititis b or c,, serious,s, sometimeses fatl ininfections,, lymphomama, lung, skskin and otother cancerers, seriouous heart-rerelated even, and d blood clotots can happ. pepeople 50 anand older wiwh heart t disease ririsk facs hahave an incrcreased risk o of serious s heart-relad eventsts or death h withk inhibitorsrs. it s t time to getet out in frontnt of eczemama. ask k your doctotor about t once-dailyly cibin.
join u us this wedednesday fr jerseyey mike s daday of givi. be a a sub aboveve. mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? please? mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? girlrls, pets arare a big exex. mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? aww.w. [ audiencece cheers ]] maybybe try swititching your cacar insurancnce to progrgre. [ audiencece cheers ]] you coululd save hunundreds. [ audidience laughghter ] [ audiencece cheers ]] ththanks, tv d dad. we ll thinink about itit,? ththanks, tv d dad. lookok what i fofound. -a pupuppy! -a-a puppy! lookok what i fofound. ohoh, no, no.. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. [ dodog barks, a audience lalau] i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. listenen to your t tv da. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. driverers who swititch ande with progrgressive i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. save n nearly $70000 on av. if you re hoping to travel internationally this year, and you don t already have a passport, be warned. getting one could take months.