devices which they have tested. this has to be the situation has to be treated with the greatest delicacy and i am sure that president obama if he hasn t already. his national security council would examine how best to treat the situation and what to expect from the north korean regime which of course is notably erratic. fox news chief correspondent james rose enthank you so much for that. we will keep our viewers informed of the information breaking news the leader kim jong-il has died. i am marianne rafferty. now back to huckabee. tim tebow is simply a very gracious, humble and disciplined young man who was raised to believe that he s personally accountable for his actions, both on and off the field. and it would appear that he s been pretty consistent in both orbits. sports writers, tv analysts and other football players
middle east and staggering government na is choking we have a nfl quarterback who lives jesus lives a life that acknowledges personal on his faith. and he doesn t imagine that god purchased the total nfl package on tv or parades around in a broncos jersey. i feel that the almighty while mindful of the winning streak of the deven franchise and hasn t taken more role in determining the outcome of the game in fixing the election for either of the candidates from the two mange parties. despite what devout dreamers may declare. tim tebow is simply a very gracious, humble and disciplined young man who was raised to believe that he s personally accountable for his actions, both on and off the field. and it would appear that he s been pretty consistent in both orbits. sports writers, tv analysts and other football players