The Country - Tussock Country edition
10 May, 2021 01:30 AM
Quick Read
The Country
Today on The Country, Jamie Mackay caught up with Jeff Rea, to talk about the Tussock Country Music Festival taking place in Gore next month. Enter the draw to win a trip to the event here.
On with the show:
Phil Duncan:
Monday s resident weather expert on the never-ending Big Dry, which is one day closer to ending!
Ray Smith:
The Director General of MPI updated us on biosecurity at our borders, M. bovis, drought assistance, the new look Forest Service and MPI s plans for Fieldays.
Todd Charteris:
Thursday, 22 April 2021, 11:06 am
The government’s regional events funding has assisted
the organisers of 11 events across Fiordland and Southland
with a total of $287,500 allocated in the inaugural funding
The fund, administered by Great South, was
established by the government as part of its post COVID-19
Tourism Recovery Package, to stimulate domestic tourism by
supporting existing events or helping grow new
Great South GM Tourism and Events Bobbi Brown
said most of the applications were from existing events
wanting help with improved marketing, as the fund was about
attracting visitors from outside of the region.
was pleasing to see some existing events thinking outside