people being reduced to tears was one we are seeing over and over again. the whole series did spectacularly well in the ratings. brought in northemore than 10 m an episode. and while we don t have last night s numbers just yet, i think you can certainly expect to see the biggest ratings of series so far. now, not all the twitter chat was serious. the actor who plays jesus has developed somewhat of a devoted following. and i think he might be a little embarrassed by the fact that he s the focus of the hot jesus hash tag. and i should point out i saw josh groban tweeted did i just see a commercial for the book version? now, if you re a fan or if you missed it, you want to catch up, the dvd is now available on the history channel s website. i have a feeling it s going to do very well. i think you re right. a.j. hammer, many thanks. next in the newsroom, call it the great tusk robbery.