transfixed. yes. my god, who is she? she s so good. then she sit downs and says, so, here s mika, who doesn t hand out a lot of compliments and after, like, five seconds of seeing you, she says, she s an incredible broadcaster. so, you bring mika to watching premier league football. i m a fan of rebecca lowe. your biggest fan. mika. oh, my goodness. mika, right back at you both. joe, mika, this is such a pleasure to be on the joe this morning. thank you so much for having me. oh, my god. it is so great. and i really do we spend saturday morning, sunday mornings with you. i love her voice. the two to robbies. you guys are the absolute best. so let s talk about usa soccer. alex shepherd wrote this great piece saying i ll admit it, i hate watching american soccer, i hate watching american football, but this team, this team finally