Support for EKRE spiked in October, bringing the national conservatives almost on par with the ruling Reform Party. Meanwhile, the rating of the opposition Center Party continued to fall and is now on the same level as the non-parliamentary Eesti 200's, the recent Turu-uuringute AS poll reveals.
The public's support for receiving Ukrainian refugees has not changed significantly since August, with 73 percent of the people in favor and 20 percent opposed.
The percentage of Estonian residents who trust the central government fell from 49 percent in August to 45 percent in September, according to the results of a nationwide poll commissioned by the Government Office and conducted by Turu-uuringute AS.
Pollster Turu-uuringute AS clocked support for the newly founded Parempoolsed (Right-wingers) in September at just 0.8 percent in the first ever poll to consider the party.
The regular poll by Turu-uuringud AS saw the Center Party boost its rating from 13 percent in May to 17 percent in June, with Isamaa also gaining considerable ground.