A TEENAGE boy collapsed in school after vaping an unknown substance from an electronic cigarette. The frightening incident happened at Turton School in Bromley Cross last Wednesday afternoon and an ambulance was called. Fortunately the pupil came round within half-an-hour and did not need hospital treatment. The child was sent home after being checked over paramedics and is said to be fine after his ordeal. Now the headteacher of Turton School has issued a warning message to children and the wider community about the dangers of young people using electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes as they are commonly known as not knowing what they are inhaling.
Coronavirus testing ALL schools in Bolton are giving out PCR covid tests to families as part of the surge testing taking place. The more reliable tests are being handed to children who can collect additional test kits for family members in a bid to contain the rising infection rate. Until now, only secondary school children tested themselves for the virus along with school staff. Now all schools are rolling out the surge testing, urging their pupils and families to take the test. It comes as more and more school bubbles are closing. Schools which have pupils self-isolating following a positive covid test, include Turton School in Bromley Cross, Kings Leadership in Great Lever, St Peter s CE Smithills Dean and St Bede s Academy.