SET-listed digital solutions provider Turnkey Communication Services (TKC) is joining forces with three European technology companies to tap smart building and smart city development in Thailand, in line with the government's digital transformation roadmap.
SET-listed digital solutions provider Turnkey Communication Services (TKC) is targeting 20% growth in net profit this year, thanks to overall investment in digital infrastructure by the state and private sector, especially cybersecurity development and smart solutions.
SET-listed digital solutions provider Turnkey Communication Services (TKC) has set a target of 15% annual revenue growth over the next five years, driven by an increase in digital adoption by enterprises in order to survive amid the economic slowdown.
SET-listed digital solutions provider Turnkey Communication Services (TKC) has reached a three-year cooperation agreement with the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a global tech group that sets standards for IT and cybersecurity certificates, for the provision of training courses in Thailand to boost people's digital skills.