Bystander CPR saves a loved one’s life; fire captain speaks to benefit of classes
Turners Falls firefighter Nick Cogswell and Fire Capt. Luke Hartnett, right, get a thank you visit from Yolanda Correa, center, whom they helped revive. Her partner Connie Brito, left, started chest compressions while daughter Chelsea Brito, second from left, called 911. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ
Turners Falls Fire Capts. Luke Hartnett, left, and Kyle Cogswell, right, get a thank you visit from Yolanda Correa, whom they helped revive. She is second from right with her partner Connie Brito, fifth from right, with their children Kamara Woodward, Chelsea Brito and Curtis Brito. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ