Even approach a problem like that . The most temptpting answer is that solvlving global poverty just cant be done. Spend your billions of dollars, give your speeches. Its not going to help. Nice try. But a better answer is this. There might not be a Silver Bullet for poverty, but t there are a a whole lot t of great i s out therere, ideas t that are helping people on a daily basis, and one good idea, big or small, really can change lives. Take thihis idea. There really is such a thing as a free lunch. Now consider india, home to 1. 2 billion people. Thats 17 of the planet, so its no surprise that indias problems, poverty, hunger, tend to be big. But the Indian Government is thinking just as big when it comes to fighting hunger, and theyre fighting that battle one lunch at a time. This viewchange film tells the story. Amos r roberts its early momorning in a smamall village t far from the city of bangalore. Kuma is cleaning the rickshaw that provides his familys velihood. His wife nakama
Even approach a problem like that . The most temptpting answer is that solvlving global poverty just cant be done. Spend your billions of dollars, give your speeches. Its not going to help. Nice try. But a better answer is this. There might not be a Silver Bullet for poverty, but t there are a a whole lot t of great i s out therere, ideas t that are helping people on a daily basis, and one good idea, big or small, really can change lives. Take thihis idea. There really is such a thing as a free lunch. Now consider india, home to 1. 2 billion people. Thats 17 of the planet, so its no surprise that indias problems, poverty, hunger, tend to be big. But the Indian Government is thinking just as big when it comes to fighting hunger, and theyre fighting that battle one lunch at a time. This viewchange film tells the story. Amos r roberts its early momorning in a smamall village t far from the city of bangalore. Kuma is cleaning the rickshaw that provides his familys velihood. His wife nakama