After the Turnaround Tuesday session, Wednesday trading has begun mostly red with an overnight range from -2 ¾ to +½ cents. AM prices are 1 ¾ to 2 ½ cents…
Both the cotton futures (+0.8%) and the spot Crude Oil market (+1.4%) are rallying into the midweek session. A Turnaround Tuesday session reduced the cotton…
The morning soybean trade has prices 8 ¾ to 9 ½ cents in the red. Meal futures are also down by 1.5% while soy oil is trading 13 points in the black so far.…
The Turnaround Tuesday for cattle flipped the board into the black for the week. Futures rebounded by $1.35 to $1.90 across the front months. Feeders led the…
Cotton is another 60 to 100 points higher in the AM for Wednesday. Front month cotton futures were 47 to 100 points higher for a Turnaround Tuesday close.…