if they all turn blue the democrats have a good night, 50/50 race but think about this, this, all the tossup s go to the democrats, did even. the way things look, got to emphasize the situation with jeff flake shows how volatile this is. earlier you this year we would have said go republican. two weeks ago we would have said probably going democrat because flake can t win. now it is back in the tossup status. heather: what about the democrats? if they all turn republican it is a good night for the gop. all of the sudden looking at 55 republican seats. this has big implications for the balance of power. something like obamacare appeal but lost by a single vote would become more real. the bigger balance of power story here would be the
remember that. and she is not big for the nra. that i can tell you. reporter: also during that nra speech, the president said that he is going to build that wall and he said, quote, it s going to be easy to do. obviously not so easy to do since the administration has still been unable to get the funding to get that wall bishui at least not yet. the president also took time to campaign for gop congressional candidate carol handle. she s running in the 6th congressional district just outside of atlanta, jake, a district that has been reliably republican for decades but then you ve got this democratic challenger down there, jon ossoff, who managed to get 48% of the vote. a democrat in a republican district. that is a district the gop does not want to see turn blue. jake? jason carroll, thank you very