that is just the way it is. the only mystery here is why if he the turks who claim to have basically seen all the stuff going on in the hours before hand, why they haven t actually released it. there is actually a kind of turkish, saudi feud that this particular reporter was very much on the turkish side of. other than that, you are right. this is one of the most bloodthirsty regimes on earth. it is basically isis withll diplomatic recognition. the only entertainment they are onog a friday is the beheadingsn the square. regardless of liberalization and all the rest of it, this is howr they deal with their enemies. tucker: i m confused about the media coverage of this. by the way, i think american journalists have a right to be upset that a guy who wrote for the post was dismembered. the saudis also may have had, there is some evidence, advanced knowledge of 9/11.
the only mystery here is why if the turks who claim to have basically seen all the stuff going on in the hours before hand, why they haven t actually released it. there is actually a kind of turkish, saudi feud that this particular reporter was very much on the turkish side of. other than that, you are right. this is one of the most bloodthirsty regimes on earth. it is basically isis with diplomatic recognition. the beheadings in the square, regardless of liberalization and all the rest of it, this is how they deal with their enemies. tucker: i m confused about the media coverage of this. by the way, i think american journalists have a right to be upset that a guy who wrote for the post was dismembered. the saudis also may have had, there is some evidence, advanced knowledge of 9/11.