With this military operation was the general feeling. So when it comes to fight against the out the old Kurdistan Workers Party the p. K. K. All segments of the Turkish Society meet on the same ground because it turkey and as a state turkey has fought against the p. K. K. For almost 4 decades more than 3 decades and it cost around 40000. 00 lives both from the Turkish Military side and the kurdish citizens who have joined the p. K. K. So far so this is a long story for cherokee economically turkey has been very hurt by the fight against the p. K. K. During those last decades and thats why in a seen as legitimate by the turkish public of course the the motive of the military oprah while the motive of the military operation is officiated by almost everyone including the opposition the way how the military operation is going to be conducted was going to be conducted was questioned by the opposition or the supporters of the government because. There were some parties even inside military w
Caused by runoffs from an illegal quarry operating nearby Marine Research as say the increase in jellyfish off the coast of penang is an indicator that the sea water is becoming more polluted but say their studies suggest that thats not enough to cause fish to die as the same basic know its difficult for us to actually pinpoint on one factor the ocean is a very dynamic environment. Is a bore and to avoid any effect as well as climate there the Climate Change that causes course the pollution its not just those in the fishing and Aquaculture Industries who are affected. Waterfall operators as well as hotel you tell us that on some days the pollution from this river is so bad that a foul smell hangs in the air and the water turns into a dark almost black color on those days they tell customers to avoid swimming in the sea the local government says residents have to do their part these Illegal Discharge into the british system the people thats not good or for duration this point to the swi
And that triggers the defense like the state defense, iad and others, but the resources they have, it would be is it necessary, in your view, that these agencies be robustly funded in addition, because without them you could have a military victory and, essentially, just wait around because theyll come back because you havent put the politics and capacity. It is necessary. I had the defense ministers of the Key Coalition contributors here to handle a sort of while ago. We went through as we always do the campaign, their role, including the moves to envelope, which weve now taken. Their biggest concern with campaign, at this point, in iraq is exactly the one you knew, namely, is the political and the economic lagging so far behind the military that theres going to be an issue once moezle once isil is ejected from muzzle. If i may take a Political Part in the stabilization reconstruction part. On the Political Part, this is a question that recurs actually everywhere we go. Everywhere we