your rapist. so the republicans, you know, they turfed out the republican incumbent or they defeated the kind of reasonable known quantity republican who might have a chance to win. and instead they picked the pure guy. and in case after case after case, they thereby lost the seat. that is how this pattern generally works. but the pattern doesn t always work that way. there are a few exceptions. there are a few cases where turfing out the normal guy in favor of the hair-on-fire guy didn t result in a republican loss, it resulted in the hair-on-fire guy going to washington. that is how we got to ted cruz. ted cruz was the hair-on-fire guy. he was the tea party primary challenger to a guy whose hair was slightly less on fire. but it was texas, so even after picking the truly whacky guy in the primary, the republicans were still able to win the general election in texas, so now we all have ted cruz to zeal with in washington. the same pattern held in two other places in the last election,
of office, it s no coincidence that it s these guys. these guys who are the exception to the rule. these guys are the guys for whom that totally destructive purification process actually worked. most people, it doesn t work. but for them, it worked. they are the rare exceptions. so now here s the question. these seven republicans, who are under attack right now from their own side, ted cruz raising money against them and the negative ads and all the rest, are their races likely to be christine o donnell races? or are they likely to be ted cruz races? if this effort that ted cruz is leading succeeds in turfing out these incumbent republican senators, and that s what they re trying to do, will the neoconfederate activists and the other hair-on-fire tea party types who replace them on the republican line just go down in the general election? or will those guys actually end up in the united states senate? joining us now is sam youngman, he s a political reporter for the lexington herald le
these seven republicans, who are under attack right now from their own side, ted cruz raising money against them and the negative ads and all the rest, are their races likely to be christine o donnell races? or are they likely to be ted cruz races? if this effort that ted cruz is leading succeeds in turfing out these incumbent republican senators, and that s what they re trying to do, will the neoconfederate activists and the other hair-on-fire tea party types who replace them on the republican line just go down in the general election? or will those guys actually end up in the united states senate? joining us now is sam youngman, he s a political reporter for the lexington herald leader in kentucky. mr. youngman, thanks very much for being here. nice to have you here. rachel, thanks very much for having me. so senator cruz according to politico is backing away from the senate conservatives fund, telling his colleagues in the senate that he will stop trying to get them fired. do yo
put the taxpayers of north dakota on the hook for footing the bill. the aforementioned out of state extremists were in fact doing exactly that. and they responded to him blocking their bill by turfing him out of office. by supporting his opponent when he got redistricted. the personhood conceived in rape people took credit when that state senator lost his seat. quote, north dakota can serve as an example to politicians across america. no matter one s party affiliation, the grassroots personhood movement has promised to expose any action that stands in the way of legal protections for all children. personhood supporters have made good on that promise. that s them pounding their chests, right? that was last year s primary. the guy who blocked the unconstitutional waste of money abortion ban in the senate lose as his seat. he s gone. now, this year, the north dakota legislature has passed, in quick secession, a ban to bill
roe v. wade, and they want to put the taxpayers of north dakota on the hook for footing the bill. the aforementioned out of state extremists were in fact doing exactly that. and they responded to him blocking their bill by turfing him out of office. by supporting his opponent when he got redistricted. the personhood conceived in rape people took credit when that state senator lost his seat. quote, north dakota can serve as an example to politicians across america. no matter one s party affiliation, the grassroots personhood movement has promised to expose any action that stands in the way of legal protections for all children. personhood supporters have made good on that promise. at least that s them pounding their chests, right? that was last year s primary. the guy who blocked the unconstitutional waste of money abortion ban in the senate lose as his seat. he s gone. now, this year, the north dakota legislature has passed, in quick secession, a ban to bill abortion at six weeks, a bi