(Willmar MN-) Hundreds of people turned out in their vehicles to watch 2020 end with fireworks at the Willmar Civic Center last night. The event was a fundraiser for the Kandiyohi County YMCA, and the Y s Jenny Holweger issued a statement on Friday afternoon. A New Yearâs Eve Fireworks show, brought to the community by Turbo Turf Irrigation, Marcus Construction, West Central Steel, Duininck, Inc., Duininck Concrete, And Prinsco raised over $3600 in donations to benefit the YMCAâs âSave Our Yâ Campaign. All donations were matched by the sponsors for a total of $8135.00 plus $5000 in in-kind donations. Jenny Holweger stated, âThe Y thanks the event sponsors and generous community members for their support. We also wish to thank the City of Willmar and Willmar Schools for the use of parking lots and Lakeland Broadcasting and  the West Central Tribune for promoting the event.â