3 3 friday, marcc 2nd &p 3 3 3 3 3 fiberr695 at libertymdot 695 aa bwmap one maryland lawmaker wants to bag the t-s-a. it s the protect passengers at american airportt. megan gilliland is live from b-w-i thurgood marshall aiport, with more on charge of airport security inst. delegate glen glass of harford county is proposing a bill to &pallow airports like b-w-i to hire their own private security. securityy..that security wouud screen passengers boarding planes.glass is proposing a total of four new bills related to airport security. include making it illegal to pearch minors. this ccmes after nation wide complaints about t-s-a workees conducting searches. 59:45 little kids are being searched. they re putting their hands doon people s pants. grandmas are being searched. and i just think it ssa viilation of our rights 56 a t-s-a spokesperson says government to protect them frommterrorism.while glass is deterrined to push for privatization.. it will be up to maryland s it will