The oholone people have established a working part nership with the sfpuc and productive and flourishing members within the greater San Francisco bay area communities today. If we can have the first item. Item 3, approval of the minutes of april 23, present 24. Any corrections or comments on the minutes . Seeing none, move to approve. Lets open to the general public first, please. Remote callers, please raise your hand if you wish to comment on item 3. Do we have members of the public who wish to provide comment on this item . Seeing none in the room, lets go to Public Comment. Anymoderator, any callers with their hands raised . There are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Okay. Seeing no morecan i get a motion and second to approve the minutes of april 23 . Move to approve the minutes. Second. Motion and second. Can we have roll call, please . Paulson, aye. Rivera, aye. Ajami, aye. Stacey, aye. Four ayes. Item 4, general Public Comment. Can we open this up, please . Members of the pu
The oholone people have established a working part nership with the sfpuc and productive and flourishing members within the greater San Francisco bay area communities today. If we can have the first item. Item 3, approval of the minutes of april 23, present 24. Any corrections or comments on the minutes . Seeing none, move to approve. Lets open to the general public first, please. Remote callers, please raise your hand if you wish to comment on item 3. Do we have members of the public who wish to provide comment on this item . Seeing none in the room, lets go to Public Comment. Anymoderator, any callers with their hands raised . There are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Okay. Seeing no morecan i get a motion and second to approve the minutes of april 23 . Move to approve the minutes. Second. Motion and second. Can we have roll call, please . Paulson, aye. Rivera, aye. Ajami, aye. Stacey, aye. Four ayes. Item 4, general Public Comment. Can we open this up, please . Members of the pu
The oholone people have established a working part nership with the sfpuc and productive and flourishing members within the greater San Francisco bay area communities today. If we can have the first item. Item 3, approval of the minutes of april 23, present 24. Any corrections or comments on the minutes . Seeing none, move to approve. Lets open to the general public first, please. Remote callers, please raise your hand if you wish to comment on item 3. Do we have members of the public who wish to provide comment on this item . Seeing none in the room, lets go to Public Comment. Anymoderator, any callers with their hands raised . There are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Okay. Seeing no morecan i get a motion and second to approve the minutes of april 23 . Move to approve the minutes. Second. Motion and second. Can we have roll call, please . Paulson, aye. Rivera, aye. Ajami, aye. Stacey, aye. Four ayes. Item 4, general Public Comment. Can we open this up, please . Members of the pu
And after the San Francisco public utility founding. It is important we recognize the history in the tribal lands and acknowledge and honor the fact the oholone people have established a working part nership with the sfpuc and productive and flourishing members within the greater San Francisco bay area communities today. If we can have the first item. Item 3, approval of the minutes of april 23, present 24. Any corrections or comments on the minutes . Seeing none, move to approve. Lets open to the general public first, please. Remote callers, please raise your hand if you wish to comment on item 3. Do we have members of the public who wish to provide comment on this item . Seeing none in the room, lets go to Public Comment. Anymoderator, any callers with their hands raised . There are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Okay. Seeing no morecan i get a motion and second to approve the minutes of april 23 . Move to approve the minutes. Second. Motion and second. Can we have roll call, pl
broadband communications for a generation, the last mile for deploying reliable high speed broadband, and it requires a concerted effort. 5-g home will provide a third option beyond what the incumbent telephone and incumbent cable companies offer today. it will lower prices for consumers, provide more options for consumers, others who depend on broadband in this digital age. next slide. thanks. while industry will need to play a leading role in bridging the digital divide, and we are here, and we are ready, the hard truth is state and local governments also must play a leading role, and to further that hard truth, san francisco city policies, with all due respect, have exacerbated the digital divide. we ve been meeting with city leaders and departments for over two years, and while some good progress has been made, there is so much more that needs to be done. and frankly, san francisco, my hometown, is falling behind other cities. city leaders must not only look to industry