and that destroys wildlife habitat and oftentimes injures animals and that is when this week s cnn hero comes to the rescue. that this fast-paced world, we do forget we are animals. and part of the natural world. this is a beautiful female bald eagle. humans, we are wildlife s worst enemy in many, many ways. he had been clipped by a small jet. we don t want her to live in a cage. we want her to get back out there in the wild. i m mona rutger. i rescue, rehabilitate and release injured wildlife back into their natural habitat. i think we can get her fixed up and back out there. when i started this center, i thought it was going to get 25, 30 animals a year. once people found out, the phone never stopped ringing. this cooper hawk is ready to go. it is all consuming. but i m doing something i love.
this monk talks to us on camera and this monk tells us that john feit admitted to him that he killed that he was a murderer. and kept it quiet all these years. now the monk feels very guilty. he said that s the way it was done back then. he s talking now. and one problem we ll address tonight is the district attorney doesn t believe this monk, doesn t believe another priest who says he was around john feit when this happened, and doesn t believe all the police to this day and that s why he doesn t want to aggressively go forward with this case. but it is maddening, infuriating and so sad for this family that suffered for more than half a century. i m setting my dvr as i m thinking dvr this. 10:00 p.m. eastern. 10:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. thank you so much. thank you, brooke. good seeing you. now american mom locked up in that mexican prison is now a free woman after a terrifying ordeal. now the question is this, how often do things like this happen? and what can you do to p
days before their acts of terror. on friday, three days before the bombings on that patriots day marathon monday, tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev worked out with a friend. this is a boston gym. this is surveillance video from security cameras there in the gym. we know the bombs had been made by this point in time. their plan was in full motion. the brothers skipping rope, appearing calm, composed. cnn s national correspondent deborah feyerick is in new york with more on this. and what is the video at least telling investigators, deb? reporter: what the video does is fill in a hole on the timeline, which is very important because investigators are so keen to understand exactly what these two men were doing in the days leading up to the bombing, where they were, where they went, clearly this places them in boston, a suburb called austin. but it also there is new information on the tape. for example, when the brothers are entering the gym, they re
a woman from michigan killed in syria. cnn spoke with her family, they say they saw warning signs, even caught contacted the fbi years ago. i didn t believe it was my mom the first time i saw them. then i had to look again. we went out and asked people a simple question:
she took this ride after at a family funeral in mexico back home to the states. i m free. i yelled, i m free, i m free. i was innocent. so i was very, very happy to be out. her family believes the soldiers were seeking a bribe, but she says she loves mexico and doesn t blame her native country for the acts of just a couple of individuals. coming up next, cnn obtained video of the two boston bombing suspects, just days before the blast. you see the two brothers jumping rope, working out. we talked to the manager who was on duty, when this video was shot here. why he says he tried to get one of the brothers banned from the gym. and we tell you the story of a 10-year-old in a hospital in pennsylvania wanting a pair of lungs. as i was talking to the congressman, we have an update from kathleen sebelius, from the office of kathleen sebelius. that s next. and do you know your. blood type?