were really concerned that he would be read his miranda rights sooner and that the intelligence mining, if you will, won t happen. what about being tried in civilian u.s. court? i think it s a mistake. not in principle, a mistake, but when you have a guy like him and you have ansar al-sharia still on the loose, threatening everybody, including americans. what s more important is intelligence, it trumps justice, justice tumps everything in domestic politics. in war, intelligence is more important. so you don t want to ever get give his guy his miranda rights. probably on the ship, they will not read him his my randall rights. they will put the ship in first gear. they may run out of gas halfway out of there, so it takes a week or a month to get there. why are we couldn t straining ourselves when you are to bring him to guantanamo, the purpose of which is to detain an
were really concerned that he would be read his miranda rights sooner and that the intelligence mining, if you will, won t happen. what about being tried in civilian u.s. court? i think it s a mistake. not in principle, a mistake, but when you have a guy like him and you have ansar al-sharia still on the loose, threatening everybody, including americans. what s more important is intelligence, it trumps justice, justice tumps everything in domestic politics. in war, intelligence is more important. so you don t want to ever get give his guy his miranda rights. probably on the ship, they will not read him his my randall rights. they will put the ship in first gear. they may run out of gas halfway out of there, so it takes a week or a month to get there. why are we couldn t straining ourselves when you are to bring him to guantanamo, the purpose of which is to detain an