RECIPIENTS. Some mayors in Eastern Visayas show the deed of donations after receiving equipment from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB). At least 29 towns in Eastern Visayas have received PHP29 million worth of equipment to enhance the operation of their materials recovery facilities.(Photo courtesy of DENR-EMB) TACLOBAN CITY - At least 29 towns in Eastern Visayas have received PHP29 million worth of equipment to enhance the operation of the local government units' materials recovery facilities (MRFs), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) said on Thursday. Each of the 29 towns received a set of equipment with a brand-new composter, shredder for biodegradable wastes, and 4G solar-powered closed circuit television camera, DENR-EMB regional information officer Glenda Lagunzad said. "The equipment sets will help enhance the operation of the MRFs, make their compo
AGI - Lo dicono tutti, da Ispra a Utilitalia. La differenziazione dipende dalla grandezza della città. Roma non è come Cittadella, dove lavoravo prima di .
Eight modular housing units arrived in Tulita earlier this week. The federal government spent $4.9 million dollars to bring the houses to the community, but the town’s mayor says more needs to be done.
/CNW/ - We recognize this statement may contain information that is difficult for many and that our efforts to honour Survivors and families may act as an.
The VP of the Tulita Land Corporation says that the N.W.T’s Medical travel service is ‘overbooking’ flights, causing many to miss necessary medical appointments.