Powered by nature, these luxurious beauty favourites are a treat for you and the planet By Lily Worcester
Dr Rita Rakus - Lip Plumper - 3 ml, £35
London’s Lip Queen has poured her expertise into this plumping potion, which features vitamins and capsicum, a natural vasodilator that adds extra volume to lips.
Dr Sam’s - Flawless Cleanser - 50ml, £8
A match for any skin type (even sensitive faces), this cleanser removes make-up, SPF and daily grime while respecting the skin’s natural barrier with a pH of 5.0.
Dr Sebagh - Vitamin C Brightening Primer SPF 15 - 40ml, £55
This multi-tasking miracle harnesses the brightening power of vitamin C to refresh and illuminate, while also offering the vital protection of SPF 15.
Albany Tulip Festival will be virtual celebration throughout May | The Daily Gazette
A month-long version of Tulip Festival kicks off next week with in-person tulip tours and virtual entertainment.
The festival traditionally takes place on Mother’s Day weekend and attracts thousands of people from the Capital Region and beyond to downtown Albany. For the second year in a row, because of the pandemic, organizers have had to create a virtual version of the festival.
“Last year, when the pandemic first hit we left the offices around March 16th or 17th. We really didn’t know what was going to happen and we decided that we were going to do a Tulip Festival Day video,” said Ryan Murray, public relations coordinator for the Office of Cultural Affairs in Albany.
Tulip Queen, court has been virtually everywhere
At the Albany Christmas Tree lighting with Mayor Kathy Sheehan in December. (Provided)ProvidedShow MoreShow Less
At the annual Easter egg hunt in Washington Park in Albany. (Provided)ProvidedShow MoreShow Less
At the Boys and Girls Club in Albany at super hero event. (Provided)ProvidedShow MoreShow Less
Tulip court collectin animal food and supplies for the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society in Menands. (Provided)ProvidedShow MoreShow Less
Kaya Rifenberg-Stempel’s teenage brother likes to prank her by signing her up for restaurant rewards programs and other stuff she doesn’t need. So he thought it would be hilarious to secretly submit an interest form in her name for the 2020 Albany Tulip Queen competition.
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New York
will lose one House seat under a new census count falling just 89 people short of the number it would have needed to keep all 27 of its House members.
On the one hand: 89 people! The tiny margin by which New York lost out to Minnesota prompted tons of hand-wringing. What if fewer rich people had fled New York as the pandemic bore down? What if the state had