Large wetland being created in Central Hawke s Bay
13 Apr, 2021 12:46 AM
4 minutes to read
The 1.6 hectare wetland is being planted with 24,000 native wetland and riparian plants.
CHB Mail
A large wetland is being constructed in Tukipo, Central Hawke s Bay to investigate how wetlands can be used to remove nitrogen and other contaminants from farm run-off and improve the health of surrounding waterways.
The Hawke s Bay Regional Council is working in partnership with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa), Fonterra and the Tukipo Catchment Group to build the 1.6ha wetland, which is being planted with 24,000 native wetland and riparian plants.
Two Hawke s Bay waterways groups receive $4.14m government funding
11 Jan, 2021 12:24 AM
3 minutes to read
The Tukipo Catchment Care Group have received $2.04m for treating water quality issues in the Tukipo catchment. Photo / Paul Taylor
The region s rivers, streams and wetlands will benefit after two Hawke s Bay projects received over $4 million of Government funding to clean up and protect waterways.
The funding forms part of the Ministry for the Environment s $36m freshwater improvement scheme announced by Environment Minister David Parker.
More than 400 jobs will be created nationwide across 19 projects nationwide that will be launched during the second quarter of this year.
Government commits $36 million to projects to enhance waterways
9 Jan, 2021 04:31 AM
3 minutes to read
The initiative is part of the Jobs for Nature package that commits a billion dollars to the environment. Photo / 123rf
The initiative is part of the Jobs for Nature package that commits a billion dollars to the environment. Photo / 123rf
More than 400 jobs will be created by a $36 million funding round to clean up and protect waterways, says Environment Minister David Parker.
Nineteen projects are being launched during the second quarter of this year.
Parker said the initiative is part of the Jobs for Nature package that commits a billion dollars to improving the environment.