spreading across the midwest to ohio. thousands marched outside ohio state house to rally against the bill that would do away with union collective bargaining rights. john kasich insists he will not back down. democrats are handling these events with the same civility they ve brought to other battles. here s what massachusetts congressman mike capuano told a group of union workers. i m proud to be here with people who understand that it is more than just sending an e-mail that gets you going. every once in a while you got to get out in the streets and get a little bloody when necessary. sean: the congressman did apologize for his words. ironic given last month he was decrying the incivility of today s political rhetoric in the wake of the tucson massacre. joining me with analysis
she will also do this. she has a full plate today. she s chosen a new u.s. envy to afghanistan and pakistan. the man for the job mark grossman worked for the state department for three decades and served as the undersecretary for political affairs under george w. bush. grossman is replacing richard holbrooke who passed away suddenly in december. a photographer accuse of trying to cash in on the youngest victim of the tucson massacre now backing off efforts to cash in on her death. christina green s parents gave a picture of her to a local tv station. that photo originally taken by a photographer. the photographer then threatened to sue the media saying the use of the photo violates his copyright. he said he would use the royalties of the photo to raise money for charity but the move outraged many. wolf has now scratched that plan. watch out, congress. there may soon be a new sheriff in town. sheriff joe arpaio is thinking about running for republican
it happened while washington lobbyists in favor of murderer s rights to always use the gun of their choice, wayne la pierre, executive vice president of the nra was speaking about calls for gun and ammunition control in the aftermath of the tuesday on massacre. predict mri, political opportunists rush to their legislative agendas. you all know what i am talking about. watch this video clip. on the eve of president obama s state of the union address, he is facing mounting pressure to grab onto one of this nation s political third rails in this speech, gun control. in those first days after the tucson massacre, calls for reform started here on this network. if the president follows republican and democratic tradition tomorrow night and says not a word about gun and ammunition control, i for one will become disappointed in him
they didn t prevail on the civil rights violations. with the they prevailed upon was the assault charge and four charges of emotional inflinction of emotional stress. so what we re fighting, the fight that we re going on with, is that we re objecting to a couple of things. one of the things was the district court s refusal to allow mr. barnett to raise the defense of justification. justification that he used that he megyn: that he felt threatened. the judge said, and we talked about this earlier with trace, this is judge john roll, the judge murdered in connection with that tucson shooting against gabrielle giffords, and the judge said you cannot raise that defense because mr. barnett testified that none of the plaintiffs were armed or threatened him in any way. that s fine, but you have to
welcome back, everybody. video is coming into the msnpc newsroom of a roadside explosion going off in iraq. take a look. a camera happened to be rolling the moment one of three coordinated blasts hit outside the headquarters of the kurdish intelligence forces. at least seven people died in the attacks. as many as 80 wounded. violence across iraq has dropped dramatically from just a few years ago. great news to pass alonging about good-bye and her recovery. doctors tell nbc news giffords is now speaking. they say on monday that she asked for a piece of toast for breakfast. the congresswoman survived a gunshot to the head in the tucson massacre that killed six people and wounded 13 others. doctors hope giffords can make enough progress to be at her husband s space shuttle launch in april. and a new study is out that could change the way doctors treat many women with breast