“Tooth Fairies in Training” Opening Party The Children’s Theatre of Live Theatre Workshop hosts a party to celebrate the opening of “Tooth Fairies in Training.”.
“La Procesion De Viernes Santo” y “La Misa Al Amanecer” (Good Friday Procession and Easter Sunrise Service) on Sentinel Peak (“A” Mountain) Los Dorados Orphan.
Tucson Folk Festival If you love music, especially unplugged, you can’t go wrong just wandering among the folk festival’s six stages and 125 acts, stopping.
Arizona Theatre Company: “Pru Payne” ATC stages a world premiere of a thoughtful, often witty and ultimately life-affirming look at how a vibrant intellectual life.
Tucson Roadrunners The Roadrunners are at home this week hosting the Calgary Wranglers on Friday and Saturday, the Ontario Reign on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pregame.