car garage right in the middle , of town for three thousand00 dollars. don t believe it.realto check it out yourself. for unreal so you know the story. man for decades,uf the biggestthing employer in braddockca was manufacturing something called the edgar thompson steelworks. in fact, andrew carnegie steelwt it there along with his first stone public library, which still stands so for generations, braddock, pennsylvania, was a real place and then inevitably a steel plant closed and the usualrnegie disasters arrived. unemployment, hopelessness, drugs. people left by the thousands. but one man saw an opportunity br in braddock, pennsylvania, not an opportunityt an for the town but an opportunity for himself. that man s s name was john fetterman. fetterman was thirty five years old and had never in his life had a real job.job. geteran was not from braddock, hardly. he grew up ittn an affluent neighborhood four hours away. fetterman had spent his adulte life going t
there s a new movie out called my son hunter, just released being distributed by breitbart. you may have heard of it. here s a preview from the film. so tell me, repair shop got d your laptop and brought it to the fbi. tt your laptowater damage. wat i took iert to be fixed. it s what you re swimmingmming with it. i forgot to pick iwit up. forgot to pick it up. forgot tc i was so busy with you.k it ? come on . come on , man. s what kind of a forgets to pick up his laptop at a repair shop? lapt. hi ,op truck. no, god , i m sober. oh,. lawrence fox stars in thisr. film. he is hunter biden in la life is a british actorl [ble and leader of the reclaimep party. he joins us . mr fox, it s great to see you . you must have learned a lot playing this role. lea you must have immersed yourself in it. what did you learn about goo the biden family? g,good evening, tucker.i i learned a lot. i m mostly, though i m grateful for the fact that i haven t t mysteriously fallen from
public housing is falling apart. you can t seem to fire anybody. the subways are under served the buses are slow. what the hell are you going to do? finish doing what you are doing here. finish being the mayor. finish this out. tucker: it s a fair point you have got to say joe concha writes for the media for the hill. have you ever seen a democrat get that kind of treatment from the national media? i have never seen a candidate mocked this much when they announced their presidential candidacy, tucker.i i have seen apathy before. you probably are seeing apathy with 17 of the 23 democrats currently doing now. begging going on please don t do. this there is even a flyer, at the ymca bill de blasio travels to brooklyn to work out at that reads this you will immediately cease any and all trips to iowa, new hampshire and all other primary states. you agreee a to focus on your current job here in new york city which you are not excelling at. you can put bernie madoff on the ticket right n