Congresswoman Lee was inspired by her predecessor, Congressman Ron Dellums, to establish the framework for the Global Fund. She worked closely with Republican Congressman Jim Leach to get H.Res.3519, the Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief Act of 2000, through the Banking Committee, which was eventually signed by President Bill Clinton in 2000. The legislation was later championed at the United Nations by Secretary General Kofi Annan. Post News Group Staff Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee applauded President Biden for announcing that the United States will host the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference on Sept. 19, 2022 in New York City. The United States is proud to be a founding contributor of, and the largest single donor to, the Global Fund,
by 2030, but the next five years are critical. so, we must ramp up our efforts and increase our funding. we ve been able over the last eight to ten years hold the line on funding for pepfar, an initiative that basically the congressional black caucus, myself, led the efforts on and president bush signed into law. also we ve been able to maintain the level of funding for the global fund, global aids and tuberculosis relief act, which president clinton signed into law. we ve held the line on funding for that. also with the ryan/white care act and minority aids initiative led by congresswoman maxine waters. have i to tell you, this has been a bipartisan effort and we have to increase funding for prevention, care and treatment otherwise, as the report said, we will go backwards. i think this is a testament to how we can work in a bipartisan way. leader pelosi, congresswoman ross, late henry hyde, late tom