Deep Yellow Limited (ASX:DYL) December Quarterly Activities Report
OTCMKTS:DYLLF) completed the second phase of the September/October RC drilling program at the Tumas 3 deposit, located on EPL3496 (Figure 1 ) in October (ASX announcement 29 October 2020). The project is held by Deep Yellow through its wholly owned subsidiary Reptile Uranium Namibia (Pty) Ltd (RUN).
The second phase of the drilling program targeted the peripheral zones of the Tumas 3 deposit, to clearly define the edges of the uranium mineralisation along and across the palaeochannel to assist reserve estimation.
Drill results along the margins of the deposit exceeded expectations, with 57% of the 53 holes completed returning uranium mineralisation greater than 100ppm eU3O8 over 1m, and 34% returning uranium mineralisation greater than 200ppm eU3O8 over 1m.