over at politico couldn t help but state the obvious. writing, unfortunately for biden it s not morning in america at least from an economic perspective. it s like late afternoon. especially since real cases aren t keep keeping up with the obscene cost-of-living fear and workers are losing hope as fast as the white house is losing credibility. believes that he needs to continue and deliver for the american people. you hear them talk about his economic policy, how that has enabled him to build an economy from the bottom up and middle out. we are going to do the job in finishing up the agenda he laid out in 2020. laura: bottomed up, hollowed out. the agenda she s referencing can be summed up in the acronym spd. scarcity, poverty, depravity. learn to live with less, travel less, expect less.
growth to be slower than last year and that s consistent with the transition to the stable, steady growth. we are in a transition, we have a strong economic growth. this report indicates an economy that is transitioning to more steady, sustainable growth. laura: more like transitioning to permanent decline which is what they want to. use less, travel less, prosper less, expect less. biden s propagandists think americans are stupid but they are not. americans hate this economy, the cnn poll recently said 64% of the polled believed the u.s. economy is currently in a recession. laura: this is going to get worse under biden s policies, things will get more, not less expensive after the spending explosion on that climate.
15/06/2021 01:00
Actualizado a 15/06/2021 08:48
Ramon Aymerich trae novedad: Lafàbrica de turistes , un libro oportuno, de lectura amena y lleno de juicios inteligentes y ponderados. Se lo recomiendo. El mensaje está en el subtítulo: E
l país que va canviar la indústria pel turisme . A continuación, reflexiones que la lectura me ha sugerido.
Una constatación de urgencia es que la conmoción de la pandemia ha sido un experimento natural: ahora sabemos qué pasaría si elimináramos el turismo de repente. Sería un desastre económico. Por tanto, a corto plazo lo que tenemos que desear, y procurar, es que los turistas vuelvan y recuperemos la situación de antes de la pandemia. La gran masa de trabajadores del turismo no es reconvertible de inmediato. A la multitud de negocios que han sufrido con la pandemia no le podemos ofrecer la perspectiva de seguir sufriendo porque pensamos que esta es la ocasión perfecta para cambiar de modelo productivo. Nos preguntarán: �