comment. he double down after meg can kelly. he started to back down now. that s his kryptonite. dr. ben carson. soft-spoken. some say humble guy. not fighting back make him seem like the anti-trump. is that a winning strategy for him? well, certainly not working any other way. the thing is that trump is kicking the crutches out of everybody leaning on conventional wisdom. three scenarios. one is the conventional one which trump simply fade away and support support diminishes after all the gaffes. that is not happening. i don t think it will happen. i disagree about recent comments about carly fiorina. the reason he is going to get attacked by the super pacs, carly, others as being inconsist conservative for a number of things that. they don t care he is an inconsistent conservative. they like him because he is tlg a big one finger salute at washington. that s the message they want to send. he is the brash guy to do it.
ben chancesy was on a paddle board when he made the huge catch. he spent 20 minutes wrestling with the seven foot goliath grouper before he was able to measure it and release it. chancy told nbc news he had never even been on a paddle board before this day. he s going to catch one in a flotation device next. i m betty win way too early starts now. what s the debate going to be like on thursday? is it a reality show or ten men standing in close proximity, giving speeches? what s it going to be like? the format only allows for one-minute responses and 30-second rebuttal if we re attack bid name. probably a lot of us are sit tlg hoping we get attacked by name so we get a little more time. up for debate new numbers are out this morning and chances are one of these men will not make the first republican forum. on the democratic side a new push to get vice president joe biden in the race. what s happening behind the scenes as hillary clinton makes her first big ad buy. plus s
deliver a i ll give you this how he s briefed and prepared about the group he s going to speak to is something different. maybe that comes out there. all that have is erased the moment you turn to chaos. it doesn t matter. i was sit tlg watching it yesterday. i was thinking back to 1972 democratic convention in 1972 at a time when george mcgovern had to give his acceptance speech at 10:30 in the morning because the party had a thing about this was going to be an open vice presidential nomination and gave over to the floor of the convention control of that convention and knocked the presidential candidate to 2:30 in the morning. 40 years later we ve become so much more politically sophisticated but in the chaos net roots is not the democratic convention and organizers will have to think about this and pay attention to it. they should study 68 and 72. there is a current of activism in the party that s a good thing but that can spill over into
well our pilots train to the same standards as active army pilots or any helicopter pilots across the department of defense. when i tell you these guys were instructor pilots i can tell you they had several thousand hours in that cockpit and they had several thousand combat hours in that cockpit but they go through simulations for all kind of situations that may come up, whether it is weather, engine problems et cetera. but the standard requirements for any soldier in the army and across d.o.d. to be a helicopter pilot, they had met those over the years and they have to remain current. . [ inaudible question ] i do not know that. i think the incident command post will look into that and then there will be an investigation, pending outcome, to see what was said and when. i m understand tlg were two
but what i really am looking for is some type of leadership to come out of this to say, this is what we want. this is what we want. this is what has to change and these are the steps that we need to take to make these changes and tlg what we re willing to do to get it. bob, those comments surprise you? they don t surprise me, she s exactly right. her new movie selma is coming out in a time when mr. king was the leader of the civil rights movement. i don t understand the criticism of oprah for those comments. i don t think she can be faulted for caring i think she cares a lot. she s done a ton. i think she s been a good ambassador for not just the black community, but for all offense america, everyone loved oprah and i think she s got every right to say what she has, and i actually wish that more people like her would talk and that would basically get this