onvermt. atri amecan aid wrorkele kild in ukinrae wh hileelping civnsilia. s s deba orpatta tonig easpking to his widow. surirpsing jobsep rort, the west unemployment rate in over y50ears. tbu what doesme it anor f atinflion? an updonate t mheonkey busine tathe dallas zoo. a n mais under arrest tonight, suecd teof sintealg otw rare imates, and the cneonction with the clouded leopard set free d anon the road with a prescriptioron f kindness. youan c see ttha one small act makea s difference. announcer: this is the cbs evening news with norah nno doel rl,eporting fr t nheation s capital. norahod: go eniveng and thank yoru fo joining usn o tshi friday night. toghnit, a life threangteni and bralut arctic blast of cold air and ngstro wdsin s areenngdi teermpaturesng pluing for tens mofillions of acamerins. we ve gourt o forecast tonight in just a moment. pl, the other big storyto nit,gh thamat rine veteran working as anme arinca aid woerrk killed in unekrai iann am bun
ilifenhe t fightga ainst isis orin nthn eriraq in 2016, rkwoinglo angside him iatn th video is hisif we, aph otouojrnalist and trained rse whom we espok to by phone d she was ente rou to poldan to bineg theai pnf tulask of bringing her hus sband byod back ho.me hr tou aghea yr, time inem yen d otherla pces, he a haslwsay keptry evebo edylse around him safe. or repte sr:o it came as no surprise to lea trnhat s reed ambulance was helping to evacuatepl peoe from o onef eth mostge danro fusront l oinesf the war in ukraine, butakhm. we got a call from another evtiacuaon team that had been juinred and rushoed t help when amhis bunclae was hit. iea hrd from someone tthae h was protecting seoomne else with his bod wyhen he eddi. rteeporr:le ax said it is what he loved doing a wndhat he maultitely gavs e hilife. for he just l eovedverybody so
of those things. but when it comes to what s happening on the campaign trail, you mentioned president biden, his approval rating is up. well, it s interesting to watch and see if the candidates who have been distancing themselves from him will now decide to have him on the campaign trail in places like ohio, georgia, pennsylvania, for example. so president biden has been trying to tout wins at the white house, they believe the student loan bailout was good for their base, that s something that blue collar americans, 68% of americans who don t have a college degree disagree with. however, that is something thae h they have wanted to get their side of the aisle ready for the election, they are trying to get to the polls. john: you mentioned the approval numbers are up, and what, i thought they were down. a new a.p. poll shows his approval rating has gone up dramatically, nine points from july until now, it was 36% approval in july, it s now 45%.
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