highly improper went on here. you have a senior justice department official who is operating with the dossier author with the opposition research firm that was funded by the clinton campaign and the dnc. he s collecting this information from them even after christopher steele had been fired by the f.b.i. for breaking the rules and talking to the press and he s doing this without revealing on financial disclosure forms or presumably to his superiors his wife is working for the same research firmk and profiting from the wok he s passing onto the f.b.i. david: jim jordan had this to say earlier. no, he s the key guy. the f.b.i. was, in fact, getting parts of the dossier from bruce ohr, top justice department official. bruce ohr s wife worked for the firm that the clintons hired. he gave it to bruce ohr.
we ve never had a president go on foreign soil and attack the press. david: candice, first to you, quick response to this. quick response to the new york times editor. the press is completely outic of touch with the american people. they have been for quite sometime. they ve almost become a cult against just tate hating trump and not listening to americans. they re referring to americans as racists, sexists, and misogynists and putting them in these boxes because they don t understand how americans are feeling. president trump blocked out their nunsense and started to listen to the concerns of the american people. they re doing themselves no favor in this regard. they are in many ways just going to help get him reelected in 2020. g david: garland, talk show host to talk show host, i ve got to throw the last word to you. go ahead. bottom line, you re not going to go wrong with attacking the press to how it s going to affect you politically. the president went after the press p
it s so tainted now, i don t see how you could ever charge anyone with this investigation and that it could survive the rigors of discovery. i think discovery would tear this investigation apart. and so i look at the democratic party and, you know, right now, it s not a party that looks very healthy going into the mid-terms. they could really put a hurting on the republicans in the mid-terms, but i suspect they ll inch away with a few victories and call b that a blue wave. what a breath of fresh air this guyuy is! i mean david: he s almost too rationale. i don t know what we re going to do with this. new york times and this is the new york times executive editor on president trump s remarks towards the press. i m deeply concerned, and not only concerned by the way about what happens inside the united states at some of the volatileom trump rallies, i think that the president has sent a message to desperates abroad you can disrespect the press. we ve had presidents attack t
that are going to defend the press, i think that ll help them with t the electorate are makina bigt mistake. the polls arehe simply saying tt the press over all isn t very popular right now. david: candidates and garland, thank you very much. he s my favorite person. he made my night. david: good to have you both here. really great to see you both. intel chiefs claim their rabid anti-trump behavior is patriotism. but they may only be playing into the hands of american enemies instead. we ll explain right after this. so i can buy from enterprise car sales and you ll take any trade-in? that s right! great! here you go. well, it does need to be a vehicle. but - i need this out of my house. (vo) with fair, transparent value for every trade-in. enterprise makes it easy.