well, we ve actually created one that has a 90-day life. out of the air france disaster, there was a new tso requirement that new pingers starting next year will have to have the 90-day life. we ve created that, and we have it out there. but once it becomes required, the airlines are going to have to put it on there. so there is out there a 90-day beacon. so chris, help us understand something. a week ago when the chinese reported hearing a ping, they said it was at 37.5 kilahertz, which is the frequency at which the pings emit the signal. but the australian defense force, the adf, says that the pings that have been detected near the ocean shield were not exactly at 37.5 but within the range. explain that discrepancy, how it can still be so certain these are pings from black boxes but not at 37.5. well, you ve got a bunch of