Lithium Americas Corp. (TSE:LAC – Get Free Report) reached a new 52-week low during mid-day trading on Friday . The stock traded as low as C$8.11 and last traded at C$9.64, with a volume of 344340 shares changing hands. The stock had previously closed at C$9.74. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth Separately, Stifel Canada reissued […]
Lithium Americas Corp. (TSE:LAC – Get Free Report) was down 7.4% on Wednesday . The company traded as low as C$13.35 and last traded at C$13.44. Approximately 113,250 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 79% from the average daily volume of 529,366 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$14.52. Wall Street Analyst […]
Lithium Americas Corp. (TSE:LAC – Get Free Report)’s share price fell 7.4% on Wednesday . The company traded as low as C$13.35 and last traded at C$13.44. 113,250 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 79% from the average session volume of 529,366 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$14.52. Wall Street […]
Lithium Americas Corp. (TSE:LAC – Get Free Report)’s stock price reached a new 52-week low during mid-day trading on Monday . The stock traded as low as C$21.37 and last traded at C$21.95, with a volume of 159071 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at C$23.08. Lithium Americas Stock Performance The firm’s fifty day […]
Lithium Americas Corp. (TSE:LAC – Get Rating)’s share price crossed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of C$30.06 and traded as low as C$29.05. Lithium Americas shares last traded at C$29.25, with a volume of 336,836 shares changing hands. Wall […]