AirBoss of America Corp. (TSE:BOS – Get Rating) passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of C$8.09 and traded as low as C$6.94. AirBoss of America shares last traded at C$7.10, with a volume of 32,500 shares changing hands. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades Several […]
AirBoss of America Corp. (TSE:BOS – Get Rating) Senior Officer Edward Kiell sold 15,714 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, March 15th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$5.46, for a total value of C$85,798.44. AirBoss of America Stock Up 3.6 % Shares of AirBoss of America stock […]
AirBoss of America Corp. (TSE:BOS - Get Rating) Senior Officer Andrew Lowe purchased 8,400 shares of the company's stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, December 23rd. The shares were purchased at an average cost of C$7.07 per share, for a total transaction of C$59,388.00. Following the purchase, the insider now directly owns 8,400 shares in the company, valued at C$59,388.
AirBoss of America Corp. (TSE:BOS - Get Rating) has earned an average recommendation of "Buy" from the eight research firms that are covering the company, reports. Three research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating. The average 1 year price objective among brokerages tha
Shares of AirBoss of America Corp. (TSE:BOS - Get Rating) have been given a consensus rating of "Buy" by the eight ratings firms that are covering the firm, reports. Three investment analysts have rated the stock with a buy recommendation. The average 1 year target price among broke