On Thursday, dozens of opponents of the law on civil union gathered near the parliament building to protest against the bill. The draft law passed the consideration stage on 23 May and now just one more voting procedure remains for it to be adopted.
The Conservative leader’s invitation to coalition partners to discuss the Cabinet’s future and possibility of early elections is a rational one, Seimas Speaker Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen says.
Minister of Education, Science and Sport Jurgita Šiugždinienė has submitted her resignation letter to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė. The Office of the Government has confirmed this information.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis says even though Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has lasted for more than a year, some Lithuanian politicians still differently assess the threat posed by Russia. According to him, this leads to a difference in opinions on how quick decisions should be adopted in the area of national defence.
Partijų reitingo pirmojoje vietoje išliko konservatoriai, po jų – demokratų sąjunga „Vardan Lietuvos“ ir socialdemokratai, rodo „Delfi“ užsakymu atlikta „Spinter tyrimų“ apklausa.